About Ghostlight Ensemble

The ghostlight, though simple, is a hallowed theater tradition: a single, ever-burning light warding off the darkness long after the final curtain call. It's a connection between our past and our future.

Show after show, it serves as a constant reminder that there's always another story, another life, another truth ready to be shared. It reveals the way forward past uncertain obstacles and dares us to dream big.

Ghostlight Ensemble asks questions that challenge the status quo through timeless stories, immersive environments and unconventional staging.


Co-Artistic Director  
Co-Artistic Director  
Managing Director

Justin Broom
Holly Robison
Chad Wise


Communications Director
Casting Coordinator
Producing Director

Maria Burnham
Jean E. Mueller-Burr
Holly Robison

Justin Broom
Maria Burnham
Jean E. Mueller-Burr
Nick Conrad
Reid Henry
Kirk Jackson
Christine Marie

Courtney Marie
Song Marshall
Khnemu Menu-Ra
Christopher Paul Mueller
Sydney Ray
Holly Robison
Kayla V. White
Chad Wise