systemic racism

Read more: Ghostlight 'Aims To Bring Voices Of Black Women, People Of Color To The Forefront'

Block Club Chicago recently covered our leadership change and plans for the upcoming season.

Learn more about our new Co-Artistic Director Kayla V. White and the company’s plans for the future in that piece.

“I’m really excited about centering newer Black and Brown playwrights, particularly Chicago-based ones, for the upcoming season and helping them shape their piece and create something new,” White said. “That’s so exciting to me.”

White said the company also will have a reading series highlighting “lost plays” from female writers of color, with an emphasis on works from Black women.

“A lot of people tend to do the same shows. Chicago does mix it up but often it’s a retelling the same types of stories,” White said. “So this series will have a special emphasis on people of color to go back and explore a lot of different plays that are available to us. They exist, but people just aren’t really using them.”